How to Remove Wax from Walls- Three Simple Ways

by | Jun 7, 2017 | Housekeeping

Candle wax is stubborn and hard to remove sometimes. It is better to deal with it before it gets harder. Candles are essential and parcel of any interior design concept these days. We can’t just simply ignore the value of candles in home decoration. The house with candles in it must experiences the wax spots and stains on the floor, carpets and especially on the walls. No matter how busy your routine schedule is, makes sure whenever you see the droplets and lines of candle wax on the walls, just remove it with useful methods. There are different methods for how to remove wax from walls by simple and easy steps.

The wax has property to mold in any shape if heated again. So here is a weakness of candle wax and we are going to deal wit the exactly same procedure. To defend the stains from the walls and floors, one must have essential tools to remove the wax from the walls and carpet or wherever you found them.

Have you tried to remove it without even reading the instructions and watching the online tutorials to clean the candle wax from the wall and other? Did nothing work at all? Here we have quick and instant cleaning methods for how to remove wax from walls. You can easily get rid of those stains with a little effort.

How to Remove Wax from Walls

How to Remove Wax from Walls

The most common and simplest method to clean the wax is to use anything warmer in your home and it can be a ‘Hair dryer’ for sure.

1. How to Remove Wax from Walls Using Hair Dryer

How to Remove Wax from Walls Using Hair Dryer

By something warmer doesn’t mean to splash the warm water on the walls. However, hair dryer can be the best player to play in this mission of cleaning. You can heat the wax with hair dryer and let it melt a bit. Once the wax starts melting, use a plastic spatula to remove it.

Try to pull off the candle wax from the wall as much as you can using plastic blade or scrubber. Apply tender weight to abstain from harming the walls.

2. How to Remove Wax from Walls with Warm Iron

How to Remove Wax from Walls with Warm Iron

Put paper towels over the light wax. Now run the iron over the wall for few seconds until the wax starts to soften and transfer to the paper towels. Repeat the procedure with clean paper towels until the majority of the wax is removed properly. Wipe away any remaining wax stains with a wax eraser.

Things You Will Need

  • Plastic scraper
  • Iron
  • Paper towels
  • Melamine Eraser wipe

Make sure you carefully save your hands and body while holding a hot iron and melted wax at the same time.

3. How to Remove Candle Wax of Wallpaper

Rub away the stuck wax on the wall, then give some heat with a blow dryer set to MEDIUM, wiping off the wax with a cloth as it cool. Wash the area with a hot and leathery water to dispose of the deposits. Apply medium warmth air with a help of a hair dryer again and wipe away the wax as it mellows. Expel build up with a mix of 1 section vinegar to 3 sections water.

How to Remove Light Wax from Textured Wall?

While it can be hard to get off, it’s conceivable with the correct strategy and tools.

  • Step 1 – Let the Wax Dry. Before you attempt to expel it, let the wax dry.
  • Step 2 – Apply Heat. When dry, apply warm over the wax by utilizing a little paper pack and a hair dryer.
  • Step 3 – Wipe the wall with plain cloth

How to Remove Wax from Glass?

Lighting candles in glass votives can somehow bother us with a wax buildup on the base and sides when the flame is totally used up. Getting rid of this stubborn wax is as simple as ABC. You may not need any special tools and list of items to remove the wax from the glass. All you will need a cold region and which could be your freezer and a knife to scratch it.

Solidify the Wax in the Freezer

If you have found terrible old wax stuck on your beautiful glass vase or candle holder, you can start by removing the candle from the candle case and place that jar or case in your freezer. Let it completely and rigidly solidify. You never need to make a tremendous effort to remove that wax out of glass.

Pull out the Wax from the Jar with a Knife

Pull out the Wax from the Jar with a Knife

When the wax is fully contracted, scratch it with a help of a knife. You will see the big parts of wax will come out easily without leaving stains and blurred marks on the glass. This is one of the easiest ways to remove the wax from the glass.

You can try these affordable and risk-free remedies for how to remove the wax from walls and any other surfaces. These methods are useful to remove the wax. However, you can simply choose off the rack products to remove this problematic wax.

<a href="" target="_self">Qaswer Amin</a>

Qaswer Amin

This post is written by Qaswer amin. I am a technology enthusiast and I love to write about the technology, gadgets, seo, and internet marketing.


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