How to Remove Paint from Plastic

by | Jun 1, 2017 | Furniture Tips and Tricks

Paint provides a new look to homes and provides with a perfect interior and exterior space. It is an important component in giving a tip-top look to the rooms and even plastic furniture if looks dull. Giving a shine and enhanced environment to space, paint can be used to renew any product or material. While doing home improvement tasks, if the paint drips off the walls and covers the plastic switchboards, chairs, tables or other plastic surfaces, don’t feel panic. Spray paints can even spoil the outdoor patio furniture with its splattering and might seem hard to wipe off. Using simple ways to achieve the cleaning task can provide you with ease and comfort. Here are some easy ways for how to remove paint from plastic.

How to Remove Paint from Plastic

The tricks for how to remove paint from plastic seems easier if you choose the right chemical for that. The method used to remove paint depends on the plastic item, either too big or small. When the paint job is done at home it drips down on the plastic surfaces and switchboards. It may even spoil the outdoor furniture if the spray paint splashes on the sides, don’t feel despair in this situation. Some simple tricks can remove the paint from plastics; it may take longer to remove if the paint has been dried. DIY home tricks can be applied which will leave your plastic in a pristine condition. The home improvement techniques when applied and paint coverage made, it can be banished with the help of tricky tasks.

It is a bit tricky to remove paint from plastic as compared to stripping paint from wood, ceramic, metal or other materials. Plastic cleaning requires more care and attention as scratching it can discolor the material or easily damage it. Make sure to use those products on the plastic which are safe to use and can easily be used as paint removals. Some solution can be effective for wood or metal surfaces but do not work easily on plastic. They can even damage or worse off the plastic by melting it or damaging the product. Some plastic-safe solvents need to be used in the paint removal process so it will not cause damage to the product.

how to remove paint from plastic
In a case of removing an excessive spray paint from any plastic surface, one can treat it with a nail polish remover, apply it wet a towel and wash the surface thoroughly and then apply a coat of wax to restore the shine of plastic.

How to Remove Paint from Plastic

Treat the plastic surfaces by gently scraping away the drips of paint with a scraper. Vegetable oil can soften the paint and help to remove it effectively. For tough spots try out denatured alcohol or nail polish remover but make sure to do a patch test before applying. Some solvents can damage the plastic, avoid using such chemicals. Dishwashing soap can be used with warm water to rinse off the traces of any solvent on the plastic surfaces.

Gather your supplies and bring your gadgets to treat the plastics carefully without causing any damage to them. Some necessary tools and required materials are as follows.

  • Paint scraper
  • Paper towel
  • Water
  • Bucket
  • Work gloves
  • Nail polish remover
  • Vegetable oil
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Razor blade
  • Dish washing soap (mild)

How to Remove Paint from Plastic Using a Paint Scraper

Sometimes a paint scraper can be used to remove the paint from plastic, but this may not be the condition every time. For this purpose, a plastic putty knife or razor blade can be suitable. Make sure not to scratch the surface hard, it will cause the risk of damage to the plastic. When removing a thick dried paint coat, it is recommendable to use razor blade otherwise avoid it. Remember safety while doing any cleaning method or scrapping process.

How to Remove Paint from Plastic Using a Nail Polish Remover

How to Remove Paint from Plastic Using a Nail Polish Remover

Use a nail polish remover to remove paint from the plastic materials. Pour a sufficient amount of nail polish remover on the paint. Use a paper towel to rub it gently. In case if the paint can’t be removed easily from the plastic surface, use more solvent and then rub it.

How to Remove Paint from Plastic with Scrubbing

How to Remove Paint from Plastic with Scrubbing

Scrubbing the area where paint has been splattered can even remove the paint easily. Using a detergent on a sponge with warm water can wipe off the remaining residue chemical or paint from the plastic.

How to Remove Paint from Plastic Using Vegetable Oil

How to Remove Paint from Plastic Using Vegetable Oil

Vegetable oil is one of the recommended ingredients to remove the paint, as it is a skin-safe substance. It will help moisten or may loosen the paint on the plastic and will help to remove splashed paint stains on the surface. Place a small amount of oil on the rubbing towel and apply on the affected area, this will allow paint to come away. If this method doesn’t work effectively after several attempts, try using another stronger solvent for this. Be persistent while doing the cleaning task and it will reward you at the end of the task.

How to Remove Paint from Plastic Using Denatured Alcohol

How to Remove Paint from Plastic Using Denatured Alcohol

When paints are hard to remove with a nail polish remover or vegetable oil, go for a stronger solution for this and use denatured alcohol for effective paint removal. It only works for latex-based paints and not oil-based. It involves some health risks while using alcohol as a solvent.

Before applying this solvent protect your hands with rubber gloves and face with a face mask. Work in a ventilated area to allow sufficient air movement inside the workspace. Try to do a small patch test before applying it thoroughly and make sure it will not damage the plastic. Once applied, the paint will start to scrap off, since using a putty knife can remove it easily then. Scrub the area afterward to remove any residue material left behind. You can add more alcohol if it does not work at the first attempt until it comes off into the rag.

Using chemicals is bit risky and cautious too, but you can avoid this inconvenience with careful considerations while performing this task. Just keep doing the methods and you will get a paint-free surface without doing much effort.

<a href="" target="_self">Sumaira Roberts</a>

Sumaira Roberts

This post is written by Sumaira Roberts I love to blog about daily life events and the things that can make a difference to life. Lifestyles and Business are my favorite topic areas.


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