Watermarks are the prime reasons that destroy the shine of the wood furniture. Water stains or watermarks are commonly caused by cold glasses, hot dishes or spills directly on the wood. But they are not permanent marks. We are going to share some practical ways on how to remove darks water stains from wood.
How to Remove Water Stains from Wood
Identifying the Water Stains
There are two types of water stains.
- White Stains
- Dark Stains
White Stains
White stains are often lightly colored marks mostly in the shape of rings. They are caused by the bottom of hot plates, mugs and cold glasses placed on the wooden surfaces. Water is the main culprit in both cases whether in the form of steam (hot) or condensed moisture. It may sound bad but is not severe than your thoughts, because the moisture doesn’t penetrate into the real wood under the finish.
Dark Stains
A black mark or dark brown mark refers that water has reached the wood. Let’s take a look at how to remove dark water stains from wood along with white or light water stains.
1.How to Remove White Water Stains from Wood with Mineral Oil

Take a soft rag and put mineral oil on it.
Now rub it into the white water stains. Let the solution sit overnight.
Repeat the process if stains are not removed completely.
2.How to Remove White Water Stains from Wood Mineral Spirits

If mineral oil doesn’t work properly, rub the stain with mineral spirits on a clean soft cloth. Being a mild solvent, mineral spirits have the ability to remove white water stains that have penetrated into the wax.
Don’t forget to wear gloves before applying the spirits. Apply mineral spirits in a well-ventilated area. Now give it some time to set properly.
Rub mineral spirits on the complete surface if stains are gone but the spot appears dull.
You will a new coat of furniture finish.
How to Remove White Water Stains from Wood with Baking Soda and Toothpaste

Don’t use toothpaste gel in this process. It is not important to add the same amount of baking soda and toothpaste.
Take a damp cloth and put a mixture on it. Continuously rub the grain until the stain is removed.
Use oil soap to clean the area by washing it.
You can try for the second time if the stain doesn’t disappear.
Always use quality furniture wax to coat the wood.
How to Remove White Water Stains from Wood with Iron

It is an easy way to remove white water stains from wood. You can remove white water stains from wood by exposing it to gentle heat and pressure. All you need is a plain, non-abrasive cloth and an electric iron for this process.
Set the iron to its lowest heat level and lay the plain cloth across the stained area. Turn off all the steam modes of the iron. Create more stains made from heat and moisture.
Now gently run the warm iron on the fabric. Make sure to move the iron in the same direction with every pass.
After every five passes, check periodically by lifting the cloth to see the progress. The wood finish will gradually release trapped moisture, the watermark cause.
How to Remove Dark Water Stains from Wood
3.How to Remove Dark Water Stains from Wood with Sand Paper

Use sandpaper gently to remove the finish over the stain to move the grain of the wood.
Try to use #100 grit sandpaper for the process and #150 grit sandpaper to feather the edges.
Don’t rub the sandpaper roughly against the table. It may damage the table skin sometimes.
Sand the dark water stains with #150-grit sandpaper. Use #0000 steel wool to feather the edges around the stained area.
Take a tack cloth such as link-free cloth to get rid of sanding dust.
Put various light coats of varnish to match the genuine finish. Also, make sure that the varnish doesn’t stand out. It must look natural.
Use #0000 steel wool to feather the edges of the new varnish and to remove the slight bump between new and old varnish.
Use quality polish to wax the wood.
4.How to Remove Dark Water Stains from Wood with Toothbrush

You can also remove dark water stains from wood with an old toothbrush and white toothpaste.
Gently brush the whole dark water stains with a small dab of paste. Don’t brush too hard or for a long time to avoid further damage. Clean it with a cloth after few minutes.
5.How to Remove Dark Water Stains from Wood with Bleach

Use chlorine bleach to bleach the wood for removing dark water stains.
Wear rubber gloves and apply the bleach using a brush.
Give it few hours to sit properly. It is a slow process but the stain will fade to nearly to the wood’s genuine color.
Use water and clean sponge to remove the bleach completely and avoid further fading.
Use vinegar to neutralize the wood. It will prevent the wood from lightening the varnish or stain when you brush on it.
Give wood some time to dry completely.
If needed apply the wood stain and give it some time to dry again.
Brush on few light coats of varnish to match the real finish.
Use #0000 to feather the edges of the new varnish and to remove the little bump between new and old varnish. Use a tack cloth to remove the dust.
Always use quality polish to wax the wood.
How to Maintain Wood Furniture Regularly

Wood furniture needs regular maintenance to keep looking in their best shape. The best and most important thing you can do for furniture is dusting it with dry, soft cloth. You can do the dusting task once in a month.
You can use various oils available for furniture maintenance. These are available in nearby stores. You can easily avoid the cause of an unnecessary build-up of oil, dirt, and dust.
Other Factors that affect the wood cleaning remedies is that which material has been used to make the furniture. For instance soft pine wood, rosewood, and oak.